I am Thankful for

Due to our digital world, oftentimes we forget to see the minute things right in front of us. We are so consumed with our phones that we forget to look up and appreciate a good weather, good food, good scenery or even a good company. This Thanksgiving, I am obliging everyone to pause and ponder the things that they are thankful for. Small or big. It doesn’t really matter as long as you are grateful that you have it and let’s make this world a better place.

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I am Thankful For

  1. My Family. Thank you for always being there. When I say always that means even the least times that I needed you, you are ready to help. Thank you for being my unyielding backbone and because of that I was able to endure so much with #adulting and this amazing thing we called – life. 
  2. The Boyfriend. We may have our own fair share of shortcomings, I am grateful that you do your part to settle things right. You taught me how to savor each day and not to torture myself too much about the future. I mean, life is already complicated don’t make it even more arduous, right? Also, thank you for being the best photographer.
  3. My Second Family. Thank you for accepting me. I’ve come to meet a lot of random people and few are the ones with a genuine heart. Thank you for being one.
  4. My Friends. To all of my chosen family here in NY, I don’t know if I’ve ever survived my life here without you. Thank you just because you exist in my small world. To my chosen family all over the world especially to my high school friends, thank you for proving to me that friendship knows no distance. You are the longest long distance relationship that I have (haha!) Thank you for making it work.
  5. New York City. You changed me into a person I never thought I would. You let me grow into a woman that I thought will just clustered into a small box and will be forever scared with the world. Thank you for allowing me to be who I am sans judgement. I never heeded that I could love a city like my own home. 
  6. To the “Special” Kids that I Get to Meet Everyday. Thank you for inspiring me to give my 100% with what I do. Thank you for reminding me that life can still be great despite inevitable circumstances. Every laughter you make that resonates into my ears creates a wonderful music.
  7. To my readers. I am grateful for your precious time in reading my blog. Seriously, I appreciate it more than anything. I’ll promise to do more.

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4 thoughts on “I am Thankful for

  1. This is such a lovely post! Thanksgiving is a great time to remember and be grateful for all that we have 🙂 Hope you have a lovely holiday season!!



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